Intelligent manufacturing of Zhejiang

The 2021 blockchain service network (BSN) Global Partner Conference opened in Hangzhou. At the conference, Mao Guanglie, former vice governor of Zhejiang Province and director of Zhejiang intelligent manufacturing Committee, said that blockchain has many problems in the intelligent manufacturing industry because the basic logic of manufacturing is to make materials into products. Without this part, blockchain does not actually serve the industry.

The blockchain should pay more attention to the new industrial infrastructure. It is hoped that the blockchain can integrate the new infrastructure and complete the integration of blockchain data and industrial data. In addition, the digital factory and digital economy have commonality. It is necessary to start from the factory transformation, strengthen the integration of IT and factory business, and pursue all factor digitization. Pursue the integration of people, information and the Internet of things. Pay attention to the reform of digitization, business model and management system, and promote each other with digitization.

The Tianfuling Tunnel

Yingling Tunnel Project